project 6c patent search

Patent Online
(Graphic by J. L. Naudin) In March 2002, Stephen L. Patrick, Thomas E. Bearden, James C. Hayes, Kenneth D. Moore, and James L. Kenny received US Patent # 6,362,718
Oracle announces it has entered into an agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems (Sun)
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project 6c patent search
project 6c patent search
Patentrecherche?SureChem - Document - European.
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SureChem is making patent chemistry search faster, easier and more accessible. Our SureChem Free Portal is the only resource for free structure search of patent data.
Oracle and Sun
Motionless Electromagnetic Generator.
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Manual of Patent Examining Procedure United States Code Title 35 - Patents Updated October 1, 2011. Incorporates the changes made by the Leahy-Smith America
6687339: Controller for use with communications systems for converting a voice message to a text message: Patent Drawings: « ‹ Google Patent
Controller for use with communications.
Oracle and Sun