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Ecstasy Inhaltsstoffe How is extacy? - Yahoo! Answers06.05.2008 · Best Answer: I wouldn't reccomend it as it is illegal. But aparently it makes you feel happy, and sociable. Hope I helped

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Okay let’s weigh in on this one. It seems in fanfiction and slash, making a male character get pregnant is a common occurance (if not, then why is there a category
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MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy- N -methamphetamine) is an empathogenic drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine classes of drugs. MDMA has become widely known as "ecstasy
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What do Bioware, Blizzard, High Voltage, Planet Moon, Shiny, Snowblind, Treyarch and Volition have in common? They were all once published by Interplay!

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What are the effects of taking extacy pills? some of these answers are soo ridiculous!!! i dont think it was exstacy that these people were taking e pills.. of
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What's the difference between Molly and.
31.05.2010 · Best Answer: No molly is not sweet in any shape or form. Its really bitter, quite like if you let an ecstasy pill sit on your toungue, but not as awful